
Pr Anastasia Shesterinina

Founding Director of the Centre for the Comparative Study of Civil War
Email: [email protected]

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow leading the Civil War Paths project and Chair in Comparative Politics at the Department of Politics, the University of York.

Eduardo Álvarez-Vanegas

PhD Researcher
Email: [email protected]

PhD Researcher on the Civil War Paths project, working on the internal dynamics of armed groups, rebel cohesion and fragmentation, and the peace process in Colombia.

Dr Hanna Ketola

Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Email: [email protected]

Lecturer in the Politics of Gender at Newcastle University, former Research Associate and Convener of the Civil War Paths Seminar Series, working on feminist approaches to civil wars, gender, embodiment, and experiences of ex-fighters in Nepal.

Dr Toni Rouhana

Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Email: [email protected]

Research Associate and Coordinator of the Civil War Paths Fellowship Scheme, working on a comparative study of the role that sect identities play in pre-war, war, and post-war periods in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq.

Michael A Livesey

PhD Researcher
Email: [email protected]

PhD Researcher at the University of Sheffield, former Fellow and Research Assistant on the Civil War Paths project, working on the genealogy of counter-terrorism practice in twentieth-century Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dr Sayra van den Berg

Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Email: [email protected]

Research Associate and Editor of the Civil War Paths Blog, working on transitional justice and civil war and the socio-legal dynamics of accountability within and across armed groups in sub-Saharan Africa.

Advisory Board

Mariano Aguirre

Associate Fellow of the International Security Program in Chatham House and Fellow of the Latin American Network on Sustainable and Inclusive Security of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Henk-Jan Brinkman

Permanent Observer of the International Development Law Organization to the United Nations in New York.

Feargal Cochrane

Emeritus Professor of International Conflict Analysis in the School of Politics and International Relations at University of Kent.

Katharina Coleman

Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia.

Duncan Higgins

Professor of Visual Art and Bonington Gallery Committee Chair at Nottingham Trent University.

Daniel Hyslop

Director of Policy, Learning and the Interpeace Advisory Team at Interpeace.

Patricia Justino

Senior Research Fellow at the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research and Professorial Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies.

Stathis Kalyvas

Gladstone Professor of Government at the Department of Politics and International Relations at theUniversity of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College.

Phil Orchard

Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Wollongong and Senior Research Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

Alexander Ramsbotham

Director of Accord at Conciliation Resources.

Jennifer Welsh

Professor and Canada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security and Director of the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies at McGill University.


Víctor Barrera

Researcher at Centro de Investigacion y Educacion Popular Programa Por la Paz.

Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín

Director of Observatorio de Tierras and Professor at Universidad Nacional.

María Victoria Llorente

Executive Director of Fundación Ideas para la Paz.


Lisa Wedeen

The Mary R. Morton Professor of Political Science and the College and Co-Director of the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory at the University of Chicago.

Marie-Joëlle Zahar

Professor of Political Science and Director of the Research Network on Peace Operations at the Université de Montréal and non-resident Senior Fellow at the International Peace Institute.

Fighters for Peace

Lebanese NGO, which brings together individuals who were actively involved in violent actions during the Lebanese Civil War (1975–1990).


Ram Kumar Bhandari

A human rights activist and academic practitioner, a co-founder of INOVAS the International Network of Victims and Survivors of Serious Human Rights Abuses.

Punam Yadav

Associate Professor of Humanitarian Studies and Co-director of the Centre for Gender and Disaster at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London.

Third Voice Research Centre

A research organisation focused on strengthening human rights and democracy in Nepal, represented by Pramila Devkota, Managing Director, and Pamir Gautam, Researcher.

The Fellows


Dr Sean Paul Ashley 

Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland, researching organized rebellion, conflict legacies, and postwar reconstruction with a regional focus on Africa.

Obayda Ghadban

PhD student in War Studies Department at King’s College London and translator of a dozen published titles, including The Logic of Violence in Civil War. His work is focused on the Syrian insurgency from a sociospatial perspective.

Jéssica Höring

PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of São Paulo, researching the dynamics of high-risk engagement of two generations of UNITA’s activists during the Angolan Liberation War and Civil War.

Dr Antonia Helga Juelich

Postdoctoral Fellow with the International Security Program at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, working on socio-organizational dynamics within armed groups, rebel-civilian relations, and peacebuilding, with a regional focus on Africa.

Dr Yu Bin Kim

Incoming Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Knox College. His research focuses on rebel governance and diplomacy.

Katherine Mann

PhD candidate in Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge, working on gendered aspects of leftist armed group ideology, combatant socialization, and logics of conflict-related sexual and reproductive violence with a focus on the FARC-EP in Colombia.

Anna Marie Obermeier

PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of Bergen (Norway). Mixed methods researcher examining feminist activism in civil wars and women’s perceptions of security.

Dr Ilayda B. Onder

Incoming Assistant Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University, researching how rebel groups’ pre-war social origins, recruitment pools, and conscription and governance practices shape the trajectory of violent mobilization, civilian victimization, and other socio-organizational and behavioral aspects of rebellion.

Dr Marcelle Trote Martins

Teaching Fellow at Liverpool John Moores University and a Research Associate at the University of Manchester. She has a PhD from the University of Manchester and master’s and undergraduate degrees in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Her publications include articles in the Journal for Cultural Research, Brazilian Political Science Review, and Cadernos de Relações Internacionais. Areas of interest: International Conflicts, Memory and Trauma, Visual Politics, Body Politics, Emotions Studies and Timor-Leste.

Dr Clara Voyvodic

Lecturer in Peace Studies and International Development at the University of Bradford, focusing on the intersections of armed conflict, development, and local order. She is also interested in civilian agency and the microdynamics of peace and conflict, especially in Colombia and Northern Ireland.

Dr Sinem Arslan

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. Sinem is part of the PeaceRep consortium. Her research focuses on the transnational dynamics of civil wars, civil war peace processes, and de facto states.

Coline Cardeño

Independent researcher from the Philippines with MA in International Development Studies and Peacebuilding from Nagoya University, Japan, working on rebel governance, local peacebuilding, and the lives of ex-combatants and civilians in Bangsamoro, Southern Philippines.

Dale Pankhurst

ESRC-funded PhD Candidate at Queen’s University Belfast, examining the causes of fluidity in state-militia relationships in armed conflict with a focus on Northern Ireland and Colombia.

Diksha Poddar

PhD Candidate at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and Consultant with Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace on youth and peacebuilding, researching youth, conflict, and peace using creative arts and feminist methodologies.

Dr Samuel Ritholtz

Part-time (Assistant) Professor and Max Weber Fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, the European University Institute, researching marginality and war with a focus on LGBTIQ+ experiences of crisis, conflict, and displacement.

Sedef Asli Topal

PhD Candidate at Washington State University, focusing on rebel group cooperation and the psychology of armed opposition with an interest in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Julia Zulver

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, researching women’s high-risk civil society leadership in Latin America.


Isabella Aung

PhD Candidate at Queen’s University and Advisor at the Institute of Human Rights and Democratic Governance, Spring University Myanmar, researching how contemporary authoritarian power is both contested and sustained through social media.

Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal

PhD Candidate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and Goethe Universität Frankfurt, focusing on reintegration of former FARC-EP combatants in Colombia and its impacts on local security dynamics.

Mark Berlin

PhD Candidate at George Washington University, examining the causes and consequences of militant alliances and armed groups’ use of extra-lethal violence.

Nabin Bibhas

Independent researcher and political journalist in Nepal interested in the political/conflict ecology in the context of the Maoist war, including war motherhood, indigenous and Dalit communities, the killed and disappeared, and experiences of PLA fighters.

Dr Tom Buitelaar

Assistant Professor in War, Peace and Justice at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs of Leiden University, focusing on international interventions in conflicts, especially the UN’s peace operations and Special Political Missions, and the balance between peace and justice in these contexts.

Silvia Carenzi

PhD Candidate in Transnational Governance at the Scuola Normale Superiore and the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy, and Associate Researcher at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, working on Islamist movements and armed groups in Syria.

Tessa Devereaux Evans 

PhD Candidate in Government at Cornell University, specialising in gendered strategies of rebel governance and minority rights protections after conflict.

Amelie Freiberg

PhD Candidate at Trinity College Dublin, working on socialisation patterns by rebel groups in connection to conflict-related sexual violence and conducting the Socialisation and Political Education in Rebel Groups (SOPERG) data project.

Dr Viviana García Pinzón

Senior Researcher at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute in Freiburg, Germany, researching the linkages between local order, violence and governance and agency, and politics of resistance of marginalised populations in contexts of violence and inequality, with a spatial focus on cities and borderlands and a regional emphasis on Latin America.

Elizabeth Good

PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science, Northwestern University, and International Security Program Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Centre, exploring women’s representation in peace negotiations.

James Hewitt

PhD Candidate in International Relations at the University of St Andrews, researching militant loyalty and disloyalty within the armed wings of Kurdish political parties in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria.

Jennifer Hodge

Research Fellow at PeaceRep, researching first movers, peace communities, and government recognition and dialogue in post-coup Myanmar.

Austin Knuppe

Assistant Professor of Political Science at Utah State University, examining conflict dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa, specifically how civilians navigate regime and insurgent violence in their local communities.

Mike Kriner

PhD candidate in the Department of Government, Cornell University, researching the changing composition of UN peace operations in the context of the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and South Sudan (UNMISS).

Joséphine Lechartre

PhD Candidate in Peace Studies and Political Science at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the University of Notre Dame, researching processes of political learning and organisation in civilian populations during wars with a focus on Guatemala.

Wolfgang Minatti

Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Potsdam, working on violent nonstate actors and local variation in legitimacy of rebel governance with a focus on FARC-EP in Colombia.

Dr Brian J. Phillips

Reader in the Department of Government, the University of Essex, and Affiliated Professor at CIDE in Mexico, working on militant group relationships, civilian targeting, proscription, and crime.

Dr Luca Raineri

Researcher in security and conflict studies at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy, investigating ethnographically transnational in/security dynamics, including trafficking, crime, and terrorism, with a focus on extended European borders, the Sahel, and Africa in general.

Bilal Salaymeh

PhD Candidate in the International Relations/Political Science Department, Geneva Graduate Institute, and Doctoral Researcher at the Center on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding, examining “oligopoly of violence” with a focus on Syria and Libya.

Dr Kai Thaler

Assistant Professor of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, working on rebellion, political violence, and post-conflict statebuilding in Africa and Latin America, and on protests and authoritarianism.

Natalia Tellidou

Global Teaching Fellow at the Central European University and Visiting Researcher at the West University of Timisoara, working on external support in conflicts and conflict delegation with an interest in the Middle East and North Africa.

Barbora Valik

PhD Candidate in Political Science at Central European University, Visiting Researcher at Universidad de los Andes, and Teaching Fellow at the Global History Lab, University of Cambridge, researching causes of violent mobilisation, civil resistance, and conflicts over self-determination.

Joshua Fawcett Weiner

PhD Candidate in Political Science at the University of British Columbia and Postdoctoral Fellow at Radboud University, researching armed group organisational behaviour, governance practices, and leaders.

Dr Regine Schwab

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and Goethe University Frankfurt, working on contemporary civil wars, militant Islamist groups, wartime institutions, and violence against civilians and civilian infrastructure with a focus on the Middle East.

The Fellows


CP Aryal

PhD researcher at the Department of Sociology, South Asian University, New Delhi, India, working on the sociology of inter-marital relations between CPN (Maoist) former combatants during Nepal’s Maoist insurgency, 1996-2006.

Theresa Bachmann

PhD candidate in International Conflict Analysis at the School of Politics and International Relations and the Global Challenges Doctoral Centre, University of Kent, researching expectations of and experiences with inclusive peacebuilding in the implementation of the 2016 peace accords in Colombia’s most war-affected territories.

Mathew Bukit

Senior Analyst at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, researching Islamist collective identities in Southeast Asian civil wars.

Geraldine Bustos-Zamora

PhD candidate at the Department of Government, University of Essex, examining ideology and patterns of violence in rebel groups in Latin America with a focus on Colombia.

Lorraine Charbonnier

PhD candidate at King’s College London, working on ‘farmer-herder conflicts’ and peacebuilding governmentality in West Africa and the Sahel.

Edoardo Corradi

PhD candidate at Department of Political and International Sciences, University of Genoa, Italy, examining foreign fighters’ participation in civil wars.

Sara Daub

PhD candidate at the Centre for International Security, the Hertie School, Berlin, and Fulbright visiting researcher at the University of Maryland, College Park, working on external support, non-state actors, and conflict dynamics with a focus on causes and consequences of diaspora sponsorship of rebel organizations.

Dr Erica De Bruin

Associate Professor of Government at Hamilton College, researching connections between coups and civil wars, armed group governance, and the global rise of police militarization.

Ulaş Erdoğdu

PhD student at the Department of Political Science at Northwestern University, working on political violence, civil wars and insurgencies in the Middle East in the context of Turkish and Kurdish politics.

Cesare Figari Barberis

PhD student in International Relations/Political Science at the Graduate Institute of Geneva, working on the interaction of trauma, emotions, and ideology in post-conflict Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Mabel González Bustelo

Senior Advisor at the Institute of Studies on Conflict and Humanitarian Action (IECAH), Madrid, advising governments and international organizations on mediation issues. Expert in mediation, negotiation, and conflict resolution with experience in Track I and Track II mediation processes in armed and sociopolitical conflicts and an interest in the impact of third-party mediation on the ways wars end.

Luisa Isidro Herrera

PhD student at the Department of Anthropology, York University, Canada, researching non-violent practices and alternative forms of security developed by women in Colombia.

Abbas Ismail

PhD candidate in International Studies at the ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, researching international mediation strategies in multi-dimensional peace negotiations to end civil wars with a focus on Lebanon and Syria.

Dr Luna KC

Postdoctoral fellow at the Center for International Peace and Security Studies, McGill University, Canada, working on gender, peace, and security in South Asia with a focus on Nepal.

Dr Federico Manfredi Firmian

Lecturer in Political Science at Sciences Po Paris, working on the driving forces of civil war and armed conflict in the Middle East with a an interest in US policy in the Middle East, Islamist movements and armed groups, authoritarianism, elections, democratization, the geopolitics of energy, and climate change.

Dr Tarila Marclint Ebiede

Political Scientist, Co-Founder and Director of Conflict Research Network West Africa, Abuja, Nigeria, and Adjunct Lecturer at the Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent, and the Brussels School of Governance, both in Belgium, working on post-conflict peacebuilding with an interest in DDR, local governance, political violence, armed groups, and (in)security.

Nicola Mathieson

PhD student at the Department of International Relations, Australian National University, examining foreign fighter trajectories and their impact on domestic and international security.

Leigh Mayhew

Research Officer within ODI Global Risks and Resilience programme and Fellow at The Centre on Armed Groups, working on civil war and armed group dynamics, smuggling networks, illicit economies and development, and radicalisation.

Dr Miranda Melcher

PhD in Defense Studies from King’s College London, working on the negotiation, writing, and implementation of security and military issues in civil war peace treaties, most recently in Angola and Mozambique.

Dr Wassim Mroueh

Research assistant on the “Arab International Thought and the New Middle East” project with PhD in Politics from the University of Edinburgh, working on intra-sectarian relations during civil wars with a focus on the role of external actors in brokering peace.

Dr Delphin Rukumbuzi Ntanyoma

Visiting researcher at the Institute of Social Studies/Erasmus University Rotterdam, conducting micro-level analysis of violent conflicts in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dr Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala

Research Associate and Head of Conflict and Conflict Management specialization in The Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany, examining transformations of state forces after peace agreements.

Dr Andrea Peinhopf

ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Politics, University of York, working on post-war identity and complex victimhood in the context of unresolved war (Abkhazia), and the trajectories of ethnically mixed families in civil war (Georgia and Ukraine).

Kerry-Luise Prior

PhD student at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, working on the perception of those implicated and affected by the transitional justice mechanisms established through the 2016 peace agreement between the FARC-EP and the Colombian Government.

Dr Laura Saavedra-Lux

Research Associate at the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research, Finland, examining the micro-foundations of political violence, socio-economic development, and the consolidation of peace in post-conflict societies.

Dr Rachel A. Schwartz

Assistant Professor of International and Area Studies at the University of Oklahoma, researching the legacies of conflict and post-war institution-building in Central America.

Daniel Odin Shaw

PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow, working on the links between peacebuilding policies, demobilisation, security reforms, and post-conflict violence.

Dr Christopher Wiley Shay

Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut, and Research Fellow at the International Security Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Relations, Harvard University, working on political violence, nonviolent resistance, and democratization.

Dr Elizabeth Stubbins Bates

Visiting Researcher at Oxford Brookes University, with expertise in the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of violations of international law in armed conflict and a monograph A Framework for Compliance in International Humanitarian Law forthcoming with Hart.

Dr Bikram Timilsina

PhD in International Relations from Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia, working on Nepal’s civil war, external intervention, peace process, climate change, and geopolitics.

Dr Francisco Villamil

Assistant Professor of Political Science at Carlos III University, Madrid, working on the sociopolitical processes triggered by civil wars and their effects on post-war legacies.

Pauline Zerla

PhD candidate in War Studies, King’s College London, researching war experiences, trauma, ex-combatants’ reintegration, and narrative methods.

The Fellows


Maria Amjad

PhD candidate in Security and Strategic Studies at the University of Genoa, working on rebel groups’ participation in the formal negotiations of the peace process.

Nick Barker

ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, working on the causes, character, and consequences of armed conflict and the termination and aftermath of secessionist wars.

Victoria Baskett

PhD student a the Department of Journalism Studies, and Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, researching community radio in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

Ahmed Bastaki

PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, working on symbolic and discursive politics in Bahrain.

Dr Zana Gulmohamad

PhD in Politics from the University of Sheffield, working on foreign policy, armed groups, political parties, and movements in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Kuwait.

Qianrui Hu

PhD student at School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, researching the interplay among ethnic, regional, and national identity in the context of the Donbas war.

Tiina Hyyppä

PhD student at the Department of Cultures, the University of Helsinki, working on local governance and civil actors in the Syrian war based on original interviews.

Amna Kaleem

PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, working on the relationship between the states and citizens through the lens of the Prevent Strategy in the UK.

Finn Klebe

PhD student at the Department of Political Science, University College London, examining the intersection of (non)violent tactics, the emergence of radical flanks, and inter-group relations.

Dr Guillermo Kreiman

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Social Sciences Department of Carlos III University, Madrid, working on a conceptualisation of civil wars as processes with distinct stages through an empirical focus on Latin American guerrillas.

Rune Wriedt Larsen

PhD candidate at the Department of Government, London School of Economics, investigating patterns of mobilisation and armed organisation-building in Southeast Asia. 

Dr Laura Martin

Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham, working on continuities of crisis and conflict and the relationship between everyday violence and humour with a focus on gender in sub-Saharan Africa, primarily Sierra Leone.

Dr Juan Masullo

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University, researching civilian agency and political attitudes in contexts affected by political and criminal violence, especially in Latin America.

Madlen Nikolova

PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, working on anticorruption and counterterrorism policies in Bulgaria.

Dr Mikelli Marzzini Ribeiro

Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Political Science Department, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, working on the role of external actors in preventing and halting mass atrocities.

Muhyadin Saed

PhD student at the University of St Andrews’ School of International Relations, researching democratisation and political violence in Somaliland.

Ufuk Sahin

PhD candidate at the Freie Universitaet Berlin and Research Fellow at the University of Innsbruck, working on variation in reconciliation policies, civil war recurrence, and ethnonational movements.

Benoit Siberdt

PhD candidate in Politics at the University of Oxford, examining the link between the types of civil war onset and key wartime dynamics.

Elena Simon

PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, working on the interplay between “civil” and “military” production of collective violence.

Dr Santiago Sosa

Assistant Professor of International Business at Universidad EAFIT in Medellín, working on pro-government militias in civil conflict, and the impact of businesses on civil war and peace.

Dr Henry Staples

PhD from the Department of Geography, the University of Sheffield, working on the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of FARC-EP ex-combatants in Colombia.

Bryony Vince

PhD student at the Department of Politics and International Relations, the University of Sheffield, working on locally derived knowledge on peacebuilding in South Africa.

Dr Abellia Anggi Wardani

Lecturer at Universitas Indonesia, and Research Director at Knowledge Hub Myanmar (CSI) with PhD from Tilburg University, working on sub-national conflicts areas.

Alex Waterman

Dr Alex Waterman is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (India/Asia) at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, a Visiting Fellow at the University of Leeds, and is Co-Editor of Civil Wars journal.

Dr Şule Yaylacı

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania with PhD from the University of British Columbia, working on a typology of civilian targeting in civil wars, operationalisation of exposure to violence, and the electoral consequences of terrorism.